Do Hedgehogs Smell? A Comprehensive Guide

Hedgehogs are becoming increasingly popular as pets due to their cute and charming personalities. However, many potential owners wonder if they have a strong odor. In this comprehensive guide, will explore the question Do Hedgehogs Smell? A Comprehensive Guide” and provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether a hedgehog is the right pet for you.

Natural Odor of Hedgehogs

In general, hedgehogs are thought to be odorless creatures. They are renowned for their cleanliness and have very little body odor. Hedgehogs, however, may occasionally have a faint musky odor, which is sometimes more apparent in males during the breeding season, as you mentioned.

This aroma can be diminished with routine cleaning and good maintenance because it is typically neither overpowering or unpleasant. Hedgehogs are a fantastic option for anyone searching for a low-odor pet in general.

Factors that Cause Hedgehogs to Smell

Hedgehogs don’t have a bad smell by nature, but if their living conditions aren’t kept up, they might start to. Hedgehogs are known to smell for the reasons listed below:

Dirty Bedding

Hedgehogs are mostly odorless creatures, but if the bedding isn’t changed frequently, it can start to smell. Hedgehogs can excrete a lot of pee and excrement, as you stated, and this can soak into their bedding, where it can grow bacteria and leave a bad smell. Change their bedding at least three times per week, and more frequently if necessary, to avoid this.

Utilizing bedding that is dust-free and odor-neutralizing can also aid in reducing odors in the hedgehog’s living space. To keep the hedgehog and their living environment clean and odor-free, the enclosure must be properly cleaned and maintained.

Dirty Cage

To have a clean and odor-free living space, the hedgehog’s cage needs to be cleaned frequently. The accumulation of urine, feces, and other waste can cause the cage to develop an unpleasant stench if it is not cleaned frequently. Cleaning the cage at least once a week and getting rid of any spoiled food, bedding, or waste will help to avoid this.

To get rid of any potential bacteria or germs, the cage must also be cleaned with a pet-safe cleaning. When the cage has been cleaned and sanitized, it must completely dry before the hedgehog is put back inside. These instructions can assist you in maintaining a hygienic, odor-free, and clean living environment for your hedgehog.

Urine and Feces

Due to their rapid metabolic rate and large amount of waste production, hedgehogs’ litter boxes can fill up very quickly. The hedgehog’s dwelling space may develop an unpleasant odor if the litter box is not routinely cleaned. Cleaning the litter box every day and getting rid of any urine, feces, or soiled litter will help to avoid this.

This will assist in keeping the litter box clean and odor-free and will help to prevent any accumulation of waste. Also, it’s critical to choose a suitable litter material that is safe for hedgehogs and aids in odor absorption, such as paper-based or recycled paper litter.

You may contribute to keeping the environment in which your hedgehog lives clean by keeping the litter box in good condition and cleaning it every day.

How to Minimize Hedgehog Odor

Regularly maintain a clean living environment: To avoid any unwanted odors, regular cleaning of the hedgehog’s cage, litter box, and bedding is necessary. As was previously said, it’s crucial to clean their cage, litter box, and bedding at least three times every week.

Utilize the proper bedding: Utilizing bedding that is dust-free and odor-neutralizing can assist to reduce odors in the hedgehog’s home. Use paper-based or recycled paper litter to deodorize the cage and keep hedgehogs secure from dampness.


Make sure the hedgehog’s living space has adequate ventilation in order to avoid any buildup of stale air that can result in unpleasant odors.

Give them a balanced food: A balanced diet can reduce hedgehog stink. Foods heavy in fat or protein should be avoided because they can make their feces and urine smell bad too much.

Handle them frequently: Playing with and handling hedgehogs frequently can help keep their living space odor-free. Just make sure to fully wash your hands before and after handling them.

By implementing these suggestions, you can lessen hedgehog odor and make sure that your pet hedgehog has a clean and healthy habitat.


Hedgehogs are often regarded as low-odor pets, to sum up. They emit less of a smell than other small pets like hamsters or guinea pigs and have a light odour that is not offensive to the majority of people. By following these instructions, you can lessen hedgehog odor and make sure that your pet hedgehog has a clean and healthy habitat. Hope the article Do Hedgehogs Smell? A Comprehensive Guide will provide you with useful information.

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