Jesus The Hedgehog: An Introduction To The Iconic Character

Have you ever heard of Jesus the Hedgehog? This unique and intriguing character has been popping up in various online platforms, from DeviantArt to YouTube. In Jesus The Hedgehog: An Introduction To The Iconic Character, we will dive into the world of Jesus the Hedgehog and explore who he is, his origin, and the impact he has made on the internet.

Who is Jesus the Hedgehog?

Jesus the Hedgehog is a character created by an artist named KatnipKitty on DeviantArt. He is a blue hedgehog wearing a white robe and carrying a cross, who is often depicted in various religious scenarios. This character has become popular among the Sonic the Hedgehog fan community and has gained a cult following on various social media platforms.

Origin of Jesus the Hedgehog

According to the artist, the inspiration for Jesus the Hedgehog came from a combination of their love for Sonic the Hedgehog and their Christian faith. The character first appeared on DeviantArt in 2010 and has since gained popularity among the Sonic fan community.

Jesus the Hedgehog appears to be a fan-created character by the artist KatnipKitty on DeviantArt. It is unclear what inspired the creation of this character or what its origins are beyond the artwork and content that have been shared online.

The character seems to be a blend of elements from the Christian religion and the Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise. Without further information or statements from the artist, it is difficult to provide a more detailed origin story for Jesus the Hedgehog.

Online Presence

Jesus the Hedgehog has made appearances on various online platforms such as YouTube, Rooster Teeth, and DeviantArt. He has become a popular subject of fan art, memes, and videos. Here are some of the online appearances of Jesus the Hedgehog:

DeviantArt: Jesus the Hedgehog’s profile on DeviantArt features a gallery of his various artworks, including fan art and original pieces.

YouTube: Jesus the Hedgehog has appeared in various YouTube videos, from fan-made animations to sponsored content. Some notable examples include “Ayy im in the chat at 0:45 lul” and “From Noisy Nativity, Kid Carpet Christmas show 2015 NOW ON!!!”

Rooster Teeth: Jesus the Hedgehog has also made an appearance on the Rooster Teeth show “On The Spot” as a sponsored segment.

Impact on the Internet

Jesus the Hedgehog has become a popular subject of fan art, memes, and videos among the Sonic the Hedgehog fan community. His unique design and religious imagery have made him stand out in the crowded world of fan-made content. Jesus the Hedgehog has also sparked various debates and discussions about the intersection of religion and popular culture.

The character’s unique design and concept have captured the imagination of many fans, leading to a wide variety of creative expressions and interpretations. It’s not uncommon to see artwork or memes featuring Jesus the Hedgehog being shared on social media platforms or discussed in online forums dedicated to the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that not all of the content featuring Jesus the Hedgehog may be appropriate or accurate, and some may be considered offensive or controversial depending on your beliefs or cultural background.

Who created Jesus the Hedgehog?

Jesus the Hedgehog was created by the artist KatnipKitty on DeviantArt. The character appears to be a fan-created character that combines elements from the Christian religion and the Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise.

What inspired the creation of Jesus the Hedgehog?

Based on the character’s design and content, it appears to be a creative blend of elements from the Christian religion and the Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise. It is possible that the artist was inspired by their own interests in these topics or was trying to make a statement or commentary on religion or popular culture.

It is also possible that they simply wanted to create a unique and entertaining character that combined elements from these different sources. Without a statement from the artist, it is difficult to say for certain what inspired the creation of Jesus the Hedgehog.

Where can I find Jesus the Hedgehog?

As Jesus the Hedgehog is a fan-created character, it is primarily found in online communities dedicated to the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom or the artwork of KatnipKitty. You can search for the character on social media platforms such as DeviantArt, Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr to find artwork, fanfic, or discussions related to the character.

Keep in mind that not all of the content featuring Jesus the Hedgehog may be appropriate or accurate, and some may be considered offensive or controversial depending on your beliefs or cultural background. So, it’s always a good idea to exercise discretion and use your best judgment when exploring online content.


Jesus the Hedgehog may seem like a bizarre and obscure character, but he has captured the hearts of many Sonic the Hedgehog fans and has made an impact on the internet. His popularity is a testament to the creativity and diversity of fan-made content. Whether you love him or hate him, Jesus the Hedgehog is a unique character that is here to stay.

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